2020, the year that wasn’t, presented a motivational challenge for me, not being able to do my normal spring and summer group activities due to Covid restrictions I was searching for a reason to train. Knowing my toughest competitor is the person that stares back at me in the mirror each morning I needed a goal to strive for. A Curling friend of mine from Minnesota threw out this virtual Coast to Coast ride across America that was just the trick. For a minimal fee I was given a choice of 4 distances to strive for (I choose the 2500 mile), an exclusive facebook group where people across the U. S. and even some international folks could share their successes and struggles, give support and encouragement; a participant shirt; and finishers medal all within a time frame of May 25th-Sep 7th. Each day you enter your mileage on a website and watch as you move across the U.S. Well I got excited and started riding more and feeling great, on days when I felt a bit lazy or too busy I made myself go out even if it was just a short time and felt a sense of accomplishment. Well needless to say I’m still riding and so far this summer have passed the 5600 mile mark on my way towards 6000. I have done the virtual Bellin 10K and signed up for The Bellin Women’s virtual 5K. I feel if you make the commitment you need to follow it through.