After thinking about it for 25 years, Anita decided she was ready to become stronger and more physically fit. She hoped this would allow her to spend more time dancing and eliminate the need for medication. “I’d also like to look nice for pictures at my Granddaughter’s wedding.”
It’s been 16 months since Anita began training with Lisa and people are noticing. “I’m getting compliments, which builds my self esteem, buying new clothes, and I have more energy.” Personal training keeps Anita disciplined and committed to working toward her fitness goals. “You have to trust the trainer’s knowledge and respect their decisions. Because of the healthy changes I’ve made, both my personal and public life are better organized!”
Going forward, Anita would like to lose more weight and be physically active at least 30 minutes a day. “I’d like to lose another 80 pounds and maybe run or walk a marathon.”
“Without a trainer, you get no-where on your own. Trainers are not just training! They listen, encourage, praise, mentally stimulate you, befriend you, and set a good will example.”