Heather and Holly began their health journey at Pro Fitness more than a decade ago. Holly remembers…”My husband talked me into joining him and a friend. After the workout I could barely walk and raise my arms but I continued to attend. Working with a personal trainer gives you the ability to target specific areas and if any issues arise, the trainer is able to address them.”
When Holly’s husband was no longer able to work out, she found a new workout partner who is a go getter, fun loving, and the perfect workhorse she needed to get motivated. “Heather and I have pushed, encouraged, and laughed with each other for years!”
Both Heather and Holly wanted to lose weight and improve their overall health and wellness. For Heather, recent changes have made a significant impact. “I feel so much better and have so much more energy. I am still dealing with nagging orthopedic issues, but every pound I lose and every workout is making them better. I am also walking more than twice as many steps as I had in the past. Along with weight loss, I have also dropped my BMI by 10 points and am down 31 inches!” For Holly, a visit to her doctor made her realize she needed to get her weight under control. “My doctor was going to increase my blood pressure medication but with the help of a diet program through Ideal Weight, the motivation of my workout partner who encouraged me, and a personal trainer, my medication dose has dropped from 200mg to 25mg in just 6 months! I have dropped 6 pants sizes and have lost more than 34 inches in my waist!”
“I want to give a huge shout out to the team at Pro Fitness. They have always been an amazing support. When things got crazy in my life and I had to step away for a bit, they always checked in and made sure I knew they were available when I needed them. I especially need to thank Cindy and Chrystal who seem to always have my back, especially in tough times. I can’t tell you what it has meant to have them show up not just to help me with training, but to support me through all aspects of my life. They are both strong women who inspire me! Holly (aka Elmo)…thank you for making fitness fun! Life is never dull if Heather and Holly are in the gym!”
We agree and are so happy to have you both as clients! Congratulations!