I started training with Doug at Pro Fitness because Laurie Walters and Sarah Stumpf had worked with him for years and recommended I join their group.
My initial goal at Pro Fitness was to add weight training to my daily cardio program. I am over 50 and want to maintain my muscle mass and current cardio lifestyle. By adding a weight program into my weekly workout program, I have been able to continue doing lifestyle exercise (gardening, cutting wood, leaf raking, yard work) without any pain or injury.
This past July, a girlfriend from Colorado and I ran Machu Picchu. This turned out to be an extremely tough 7 hours. Both mental and physical effort was put forth. Every detail had to be planned out including extreme temperature changes, overnight stay if we missed cutoff time, food, and water purification. Once we started we were on our own and the quickest way off the mountain was to finish. When asked why I did the hike, my only answer is because I was offered the opportunity. The opportunity to spend time with a friend, working through life’s issues, creating new memories, and challenging ourselves physically. The country is beautiful, the mountains are rugged, and the people are amazing. I had the opportunity to see the most amazing country with rugged landscape and hardworking, happy people.
My next physical event is October, 2019. I am hiking the Tennessee portion of the Appalachian Trail. The Hike is 70+ miles through the Smokey Mountains.