Pro Fitness is excited to put the spotlight on Leeann Busse.
Impressed by another client’s experience training with Chrystal, Leeann was inspired to work on her own health & fitness goals. She and a friend began team training with Chrystal at Pro Fitness in August of 2016. “I’ve struggled with weight since college and I’ve always known there was an athlete inside. That athlete needed to come out to be able to play and be active with my children.”
Leeann initially wanted to lose weight, get toned and get in shape. “I wanted to be able to jump on the trampoline with my kids and not get winded or worry about getting hurt! A big goal was to someday cross those monkey bars at the gym! I just did it last week!”
The changes Leeann has made have affected her life well beyond the gym. “I have so much more energy. I am taking better care of myself and feel good about it. The people I’ve met along this journey have been amazing. It’s given me a whole new outlook and has made me realize the need to be around those kinds of people.”
Going forward, Leeann plans to continue her weight loss journey by staying active and working out at Pro Fitness. “I would love to do something like The Warrior Run or Cellcom 5K.”
“Chrystal, my workout partner Jennifer, and inspirations Colleen and Clarissa have been HUGE motivators for me. Jennifer is truly the best workout partner a person could ask for! Fun but tough! I started a “group” on Facebook at the start of 2017. I chose people I knew would be supportive of my journey and have kept them updated on my progress. People share recipes, meal plans, give encouragement, set weekly challenges, and are amazing! Back in December I went to Colleen Ducke’s presentation and it had a big impact of me. One quote she shared stood out and remains in my heart…”Making a lifestyle change can be tough, but you know what’s worse? Regret.” I don’t want to regret being an out of shape mom or crabby wife! I want to be the happy, healthy person I know I can be.”