Mason and Kellin started team training twice a week with George about two months ago. “I’m training to get ready for football. I’d like to get stronger, and tone and condition for football” says Mason. Kellin had a different reason for training. “My Mom had me start because I was depressed and bored and wanted to feel better about myself. There were no sports due to Covid.”
Their hard work and dedication has already paid off. Both boys are making healthier food choices and both are a lot stronger. “I am a lot happier. I have really nice muscles now and play less video games” says Kellin.
Going forward, Mason plans to continue training twice a week with George and hopes to be in prime condition when football season arrives. Kellin would like to get bigger muscles, work on his basketball shot, and get faster.
In closing, Mason adds “George and Kellin are really nice people. I look forward to seeing them both every week.” Kellin adds “The best part of my week is when I get to work out with George. I have learned a lot from him about eating, working out, basketball, and about muscles. I think all kids should work out because it helps them feel better about themselves.”