We are excited and proud to announce Karen Classon has been selected as our February Client of the Month!
In November of 2012, Karen suffered an unexpected loss when her husband, Stephen, passed away. About a year later, she realized that she had been masking her pain and sadness with food and wine, and she knew that she needed to take back control of her life. Karen called a friend for advice and he recommended Pro Fitness. She followed his advice and became a member in October of 2013.
When she first started at Pro Fitness, Karen’s initial goal was to feel better, have more energy, and surround herself with positive people who would help her heal. Today, Karen says, “The result has been so much more…I’ve lost weight, I’m fit, and best of all, I’ve met so many great people at Pro Fitness!” The changes Karen has made have had an impact on more than just the physical. “I have an attitude of gratitude…for the good experiences in my life. “
Going forward. Karen plans to keep up her positive momentum. “Losing my husband has been a reminder that life is too short. Whenever possible I like to count my blessings and try to reach out to help other people.” This year, Karen will be helping out the American Red Cross by competing in the “Dancing With Our Stars” fundraiser event being held in February. So not only is she training hard with Doug & Omarr at Pro Fitness, she is also spending many hours at the studio, perfecting her dance skills for the big event. Good luck from all of us at Pro Fitness, Karen!
From all the Trainers & Staff at Pro Fitness, we are so proud of all of your hard work and accomplishments. You inspire many others with your dedication and positive attitude, and we feel privileged to have you as part of our Pro Fitness family!