January 2017 Client Spotlight

                                    KARLA QUICK

Pro Fitness is excited to put the spotlight on Karla Quick this month!

Karla started her journey at Pro Fitness in January, 2016, after deciding it was time to take her health back.  “I was 20 lbs overweight, felt tired all the time, my hips and knees ached, and I felt mentally foggy.  My physical blood work showed I was pre-diabetic and had high cholesterol.  I walked into Pro Fitness and immediately felt it was the right place for me.  Everyone was very positive, friendly, and the energy just felt right.”

Karla signed up as a member that day and had her first training session with Doug the next week.  “I felt I needed help to get back into shape and needed the push and accountability to continue, even through all the pain it takes to get there.”

Besides personal training with Doug and regular exercise, Karla has made some major changes to her eating habits during the past year.  “I decided to eat a clean and healthy diet.  To me this means eating food that doesn’t have a label or very few ingredients.  I gave up sugar and wheat.  My diet does not contain food with any artificial color, artificial flavor, or preservatives.  I make all of our meals from scratch.”

So far Karla has lost 30 pounds and feels much younger, with more energy and less stress.  Her husband has lost 20 pounds by agreeing to follow her new way of eating.

Karla’s long term goals include staying healthy with regular exercise and never letting her health take the back seat again.  In the short term, she’s already looking forward to warmer weather.  “I want to continue to exercise so that I can look really good in a bikini by the pool this Summer.”

“I am very pleased and grateful for the staff at Pro Fitness, especially Doug, for helping me to obtain my main goal of being healthy again.  You really have nothing if you don’t have your health.  Being a nurse, I see first-hand what can happen if you don’t take care of yourself.”

December 2016 Client Spotlight

                         THE LEMIEUX FAMILY

Pro Fitness is excited to put the spotlight on the Bob Le Mieux Family this month.

Bob and his wife, Allison, have been personal training clients at Pro Fitness since the beginning, nearly 20 years!  Bob III and Sophie began training at Pro Fitness to prepare for sports, including baseball for Bob III and skating and softball for Sophie.  Summer and Zachary sometimes work out on their own while Mom & Dad get whipped into shape.

Allison ads, “We started working with trainers at Pro Fitness to help push us through the workouts.  The trainers also know a lot more about exercise than we do.”

While personal training has helped the kids prepare for sports, the entire family has benefited by gaining self esteem and building muscle.

The Le Mieuxs would like to thank all the trainers they’ve had throughout the years.  “We have become healthier as a family because of Pro Fitness!”

November 2016 Client Spotlight

                             CLARISSA WALL

Pro Fitness is excited to put the spotlight on Clarissa Wall.

Clarissa first came to Pro Fitness in January 2016 to take Chrystal’s Bootcamp & HIIT classes. In February, she added personal training to her routine.   Clarissa says, “Having an ACL replacement and meniscus repair took a tremendous toll on my mind and body.  Exercise was always a big part of my life, and after surgery and extensive recovery I was frustrated, over my goal weight, and felt totally out of shape.  I decided to begin training with Chrystal because I loved her sense of humor and her energy. I enjoyed going to her group exercise classes and was finally seeing results toward my fitness and weight loss goals.  I knew if I invested in a weekly personal training appointment it would keep me more accountable in my overall exercise and nutrition, while also helping me reach my goals faster.“

Clarissa’s initial goals were to lose weight & improve her physical fitness.  “I have lost weight and inches.  My clothes fit much better.  I am happier and have more energy.  My meal planning and preparation has changed.  I try to eat healthier and cleaner.  Much of my weekly meal prepping is done on Sunday.  I have found if I have things ready to go and don’t have to think, it is much easier to make healthier choices.”

Another bonus, Clarissa says, “My running pace has become faster as well. In October, I ran the Bellin Women’s Half Marathon and improved my time by 19 minutes from the Cellcom Half Marathon I ran in the spring.  I went from a 2hr, 15 minute to a 1hr, 56 minute half marathon.”

Going forward, Clarissa still wants to meet her initial weight loss goal, so group classes, personal training, and clean, healthy eating continue to be in her plans.  Another important goal…”I would love to get my family more on board with healthy eating too!“

We really appreciate this additional note from Clarissa:  “Thank you very much to the staff at Pro Fitness for their dedication and hard work.   I am honored by this feature even though sharing it publicly is WAY out of my comfort zone.”

“I also want thank all of my workout friends.  They play such a huge part in keeping me accountable to show up, especially at our early morning workouts when I’d really rather be sleeping!  All of the laughing makes our workouts much more enjoyable!  I appreciate each and every one of you.”

October 2016 Client Spotlight

                            MICHELLE KEEHAN

Pro Fitness is excited to share another great story of improvement and success!  Congratulations, Michelle Keehan!  You have been selected as our October Client of the Month.

Michelle began training with Lisa at Pro Fitness in April of 2015, to get in shape for a very special occasion – her wedding day!  “One day, I was trying on wedding dresses and could not decide between two.  My sister took a picture of me in both dresses and as soon as she showed me the pictures, I was devastated and immediately became upset.  At that point, I needed a change.  I stopped into Pro Fitness one day and immediately fell in love with the atmosphere and trainers.  In 2015, I started training with Lisa and have not regretted it ever since (except when she makes me use the prowler… just kidding)!”

Michelle’s initial goal was to lose weight.  “I felt that I needed someone to push me in order to lose those extra pounds.  I started personal training weekly with Lisa and started taking one of her scheduled classes once a week.  Time after time, I stepped on the scale and my weight would be exactly the same.  However, I soon realized that I was feeling better, had more energy, and my clothes were fitting even better!! I even went back to some of my ‘skinny’ clothes that had been put away in hopes to bring them back out someday. I also couldn’t believe how many coworkers, family and friends noticed the changes!  I realized that it isn’t always about decreasing the number on the scale, it is about being healthy.  I was losing weight, but was also gaining muscle and more importantly gained confidence. “

The changes Michelle made to her lifestyle had an impact on more than just her wedding.

“I didn’t realize how unhealthy I was.  Each year, we get health assessments taken at work and for the past 4 years my cholesterol and BMI was high.  I contributed the cholesterol to “bad genetics” and I would just ignore my BMI because I didn’t want to believe it.  However, since working out and eating healthier, my cholesterol and BMI are in a healthy range and I passed all of my health scores with flying colors!!  Overall, I wake up every morning feeling better and with more energy!  The wedding might be over (and I can’t thank all the trainers enough for helping me feel amazing on such an important day), but working out is fun for me now and the even better benefit is feeling great every day and being healthy!  I continue to keep my schedule, personal training once a week and attending class.  For me, it is about having a schedule that works for me, and going to a gym and a trainer that you enjoy!  Through multiple classes, I have met so many great people and made so many friends who are here for the same reason, to improve their lives.  The atmosphere, trainers, and workout friends are what makes Pro Fitness so unique and enjoyable to come to.”

In closing, Michelle would like to add: “Thank you so much to all the staff at Pro Fitness for all their hard work, dedication, and making Pro Fitness such a great gym!”

We think you’re pretty GREAT too, Michelle!

September 2016 Client Spotlight


Michael Boyle, Laurie Boyle, and Pete Hoeft have been taking classes together at Pro Fitness for a combined 18 years and counting!  Pro Fitness is proud to announce the trio as our September Clients of the Month.

Laurie began her journey at Pro Fitness while searching for a gym that offered smaller, one-on-one classes, and was the first to sign up more than eight years ago.  Three years later, after finding a place that helped her stay strong and build core & endurance, Laurie convinced Michael to give it a try. ”I was pretty much a couch potato and I guess pretty out of shape.  My initial goal was not to die at the first session.  Following my first ever plank, I laid on the ground and saw stars for quite a while – but I came back.”

Pete was looking for balance in his exercise, playing racquetball exclusively for his workouts. “My wife, Lee, had been working together with Laurie Boyle for some time.  She asked me to join the group one day and I kept coming back!”  That was more than five years ago.  Pete now eats more nutritious foods and can also get into skinny jeans.

Laurie and Pete’s time at Pro Fitness has taught them to eat better, especially with Doug’s weekly nutritional tips.  For Michael, reshaping his body and adding muscle has been beneficial, but has had an even bigger impact.  “I’ve become a runner in the past 3 & ½ years.  I’ve run 30 races from 5K to 10K, even placing in the top three in my age group a number of times.  This month I will compete in my first half marathon!” 

Going forward, Michael hopes to maintain his enthusiasm for the two work-outs per week and continue to be more aware of his health.  Laurie would like to add another work-out to her weekly routine.  Pete’s goals include taking at least 10,000 steps per day and climbing another big mountain in Colorado.

All three agree that working out in a group setting at Pro Fitness is the driving force that keeps them motivated to do the very challenging, but fun classes.  Laurie really enjoys the camaraderie and more personal touch she gets at Pro Fitness.

August 2016 Client Spotlight

                 GREG PONOZZO

Pro Fitness has another inspiring and motivating success story to share!  We are very happy to announce that Greg Ponozzo has been selected as our August Client of the Month!

Greg started training at Pro Fitness on January 22, 2016, to get back in shape after healing from knee surgery.  “I blew out my ACL 100% and tore my meniscus, so I had to have an ACL replacement.  Once my knee was healed, I wanted to get back into shape and lose weight the right way, working with a trainer to push me harder.”

Greg’s initial goals were to get in shape, both physically and mentally, and build more self confidence.  In addition to working out with the trainers at Pro Fitness, Greg changed his eating habits.   “Now I’m eating healthier.  I’m more active, have more energy, feel better, and look forward to my next workout.”  He’s already lost 40 pounds!

Going forward, Greg would like to lose another 10-15 pounds and continue toning his muscles.  “I want to show others you can do it with hard work and the right attitude.” 

July 2016 Client Spotlight

                                      DON CUMBER

Pro Fitness is proud to announce that Don Cumber has been voted July Client of the Month!  Congratulations, Don!

Don started working out at Pro Fitness in November, 2011, after his wife and Pro Fitness Staff Member, Tammy, gave him a gift of sessions to try working out with a trainer.

Don’s initial goal was to lose some weight and be more fit and healthy.  “I had recently started running and wanted to get better.  The confidence I found through my fitness journey has helped me push myself beyond my comfort zone.  It is a great feeling accomplishing something you never thought possible.”

Check out how much Don’s performance improved at the Chicago Spartan Super in just one year:

2015…Time: 3:10:45…Overall Place: 2,139 out of 5,978 (top 36%)

2016…Time: 2:30:40…Overall Place: 289 out of 4,731 (top 6%)

Going forward, Don plans on pushing himself harder to improve his already impressive race times.  “After completing A Spartan Trifecta, I am looking forward to completing another one next year.  I also plan on continuing to do trail running and to see what other crazy challenges I can come up with!” (Flipping the tire around the building)

Don would like to extend a special thanks to Tammy for getting him started on the road to health and fitness.  He would also like to thank the trainers for their advice and tips that helped him reach his goals.

June 2016 Client Spotlight

                                   RHONDA DAVIS

It’s our favorite time again at Pro Fitness!  Sharing another life changing success story with you! We are proud to announce that Rhonda Davis has been selected as our June Client of the Month!  Rhonda’s story, in her own words:

I began to feel as if a noose was restricting my air.  I began to feel as though I’d rather be dead than live this quality of life another day.  No exaggeration.  To think death as a way out speaks volumes of my thought process at the time.  It was then that I knew I needed to bring my body back into balance. I needed my mental health back more than anything else.  My kids deserved a better mother.  It was 2008, married not even a year when the real estate crash hit.  People were losing jobs left and right and my husband was no exception.  My survival skills kicked into high gear.  I had a 12 year old son to raise and a new baby girl to take care of.  I wasn’t going to allow this crash to affect me, nope – not me.  My pride got the better of me, for years I was a “Real Estate Queen” and I was going to continue that stature.  I was bigger and better than this crash and it was not going to compromise my talent in sales…or so I kept telling myself.  Until… ONE DAY IT DID.  As I struggled through trying to hold strong, putting on a good face day in and day out acting as if all was well, it began to catch up with me.  I went from caring for my son and I on a copious income to caring for 4 people on 1/2 the income but with larger expenses and it became a lofty task to say the least.  Finally realizing I was sacrificing my health far too long I stepped back into Pro Fitness to seek help in putting myself back together again. I really felt like Humpty Dumpty and I WAS BROKEN, I mean not just cracked up – I felt all smashed to tiny little pieces.  I was defeated.  I had created some pretty destructive coping mechanisms so as not to have to deal with many of my issues.  I’ll spare you the details and just say that I knew if I lost some weight and got back to eating healthier that my stress and anxiety would be reduced or better managed and that I might come alive again – but that’s all I knew.   I needed someone to hold me accountable to my goals, and I needed to be reminded of healthy mindful eating habits so I started training with Doug Van Iten.  Doug would say, “all you have to do is show up“.  What a breath of fresh air to hear… after helping to make decisions for other people in my career for 13 years –  you mean all I had to do was show up and somebody else could just tell me what to do.  Phew… what a relief, I thought to myself!!!

Little did I know that working with a trainer would give me so much more than accountability, an education on foods and a break on life for an hour a day.  Yes, my Professional Personal Trainer held me to all of my goals and I lost a lot of weight but what I really gained from working with him was a renewed sense of who I am.  I anticipated a greater level of confidence and a zest for life that I had always had but I did not expect my passion for life to return as if I were 25 years old again.  I did not know I would be brave enough to try out for Roller Derby, or  audition for a play, endure 1/2 marathons or get on stage in a squirrel sized bikini fitness competition.  I did not expect that I’d want to share health and wellness with the World as if it is the only thing that can make and sustain our happiness.  I did not know that I would learn how to eat to fuel my body rather than make it sick with poor food choices.  I did not know that when somebody else believes in you that it helps you to believe in yourself.  I did not know how much passion and respect I would gain for the lifestyle of being fit, strong and healthy.  I did not know I’d want to read, study and research to educate myself further to become even better and to somehow help others.  The changes I’ve made have impacted my lifestyle so much that the pastime activities I desire are no longer sedentary, I prefer to always be exploring, hiking, blading, jogging, etc… or just on some sort of adventure and anything to challenge myself.  Gotta keep it exciting, gotta keep moving, and always be learning – it is up to only us!  My thought process is different, I’ve gained a whole new perspective on life and I’ve returned to an old me that had been buried for so many years.  There is so much more that I’ve gained by developing and nurturing a passion for healthy living but this page isn’t long enough….  So,  I thank Doug for bringing me out of a major slump I was in and for teaching me what life is all about again.  Because he believed in me I began to believe in myself.  Don’t ever underestimate the effect or the power you may have in someones life – you never know who your helping or just how much you are.  I thank all of the great staff and other trainers as well, they’ve all been a part of my journey.

And, thank you to all of the awesome friends I’ve made at the Pro Fitness Family Iron Play Ground – you’ve all been an amazing group of people to be around and I love you all dearly.

May 2016 Client Spotlight

                      GARY KASTER

It’s time again to recognize a Pro Fitness Client who has made a dramatic change toward a healthier lifestyle, and continues to inspire all who know him!  Congratulations, Gary Kaster!  You have been voted Pro Fitness’ May Client of the Month!  Gary’s story, in his own words.

“The year was 2004 and I was 40 years old.  Approximately six months after being diagnosed with cancer, resulting in having a kidney removed, my body was in need of some reconditioning and lifestyle changes.  I knew I was in need of more than just going to a gym.  I needed a trainer and more of a life coach trainer as well.  A neighbor and past client of Pro Fitness recommended I stop and see Doug Van Iten at an upcoming open house he was having.  My initial goals at the time were to start eating healthier and condition my body to a healthier state.

Over 12+ years I’ve made many changes and have trained with many of the awesome trainers at Pro Fitness.  The past few years have been with trainer Cindy Holschuh, which has brought a great balance, physically and mentally, to a continued healthy lifestyle.

Through these years I’ve gone from being winded from a couple of flights of stairs, to learning from Doug that 3 minute miles on a bike is not a suggestion, but an ordinary goal after 20 to 50 mile rides.  I’ve also competed in Duathlons, Century Bike Rides, and Relay ½ Iron Mans.

Pro Fitness has not only brought good lifestyle changes, but also mentally has brought a fresh start to each days unique work challenges, and has made me a better person for what I do.

My goals going forward are to maintain my new healthier body weight and continue to enjoy every sunrise, as I believe each day is a gift most take for granted.

Thank you to all of the trainers who give it their all every day, along with the awesome staff (Tammy and Steve) for taking care of all the extras that keep Pro Fitness the welcoming gym it is.”

April 2016 Client Spotlight

                                COLLEEN DUCKE

While we consider all of our clients outstanding, it’s time again to put the spotlight on someone who deserves special recognition for their extraordinary hard work and dedication toward a healthier lifestyle!  Without further delay, we are thrilled to announce that Colleen Ducke has been voted April Client of the Month by Pro Fitness.

Four years ago Colleen started her journey to get healthy when, after yo-yo dieting on and off forever, took a friend’s advice and started training with Chrystal.  Colleen weighed 366 pounds.  “I needed accountability, someone who would not let me quit.   I needed someone who would push me, especially when I didn’t want to be pushed.  I needed Chrystal.  I started training with her and have not looked back.  Chrystal goes above and beyond for me and all of her clients.  I appreciate Chrystal’s patience, her compassion, her humor, her knowledge about health and fitness, and her occasional kicks in the rear and loud reminders to not take the easy way out of anything.  She is a very important part of my journey.”

When Colleen first started training with Chrystal, her initial goals were to lose weight.  Then about 6-12 months into her journey, it all changed. “I knew I needed to change my life, and this time my journey could NOT be just about the weight.  I needed to do everything differently in order to be successful on my journey to health.  So, I started to look at my life.  I looked at my nutrition, my working out, my family, my friends, my job, and everything in between.  I wanted to change my whole life, not just my weight.”  In addition to going back to school and becoming a Life Coach, Colleen has accomplished many goals she set for herself.  “I ran a 5K, bought a bike, rode a bike for the first time in 20 years, and biked 75 miles in one day just because I could.  I finally got brave enough to get in a kayak and paddle around a lake.  I wore a tank top to a class at the gym.  I completed 10 triathlons in 6 weeks and ran the Bellin Run.  I even got up on stage and did a Zumba song with my trainer.  I decided that I need to start living out of my comfort zone.  I encourage my friends and family to do the same thing.  It’s great!  Every day is a new challenge.”

 The changes that Colleen has made have impacted every aspect of her life, including her job and family.  “I am more productive and energized to do my job every day.  I am able to be active and a good role model for my daughter.  I can bike, swim, Zumba, hike, and be active with her now.  I was not able to do those things with her when she was little and growing up.  I regret that.  I don’t have to be a spectator in my own life anymore.”  Changing her eating habits was another huge step for Colleen.  “I lived on fast food and hated to cook.  Now, I hardly ever eat out and love to cook.  I love to try new healthy recipes and every weekend I meal prep for the next week’s meals.”

Going forward, Colleen’s new goals are to continue to inspire other people to want to get healthy.  “I want to help people learn to write goals, accomplish goals, and live outside their comfort zone.  I am also planning on doing a non-traditional Ironman event this summer, trying sky diving, and whitewater rafting.”  One of the biggest challenges for Colleen will be learning to maintain her weight once reaching her goal.  “I love my life and I’m not going back!!”

In closing, Colleen adds:  Thank you for nominating me for Client of the Month at Pro Fitness.  It means a lot to me.  Before weight 366lbs, today 186 lbs.”  Congratulations Colleen from everyone at Pro Fitness!  You are an inspiration.